30 Days in April: Day 27
--Make something in Garageband
--Make it quickly
--Get to bed on time
Success: achieved!
30 Days in April: Day 26
A while back, one of my friends (can't remember who) told me that they felt I took really great cell phone photos. Now, one could take that as more of a "wow, this fast food hamburger tastes great!" kind of compliment, but I decided not to do that.
I've been pretty enamored of how the photos have been turning out with my Palm Centro, especially the arrows one from a few days ago. Mind you, I don't do any digital retouching at all.
I have always been fascinated with making do with the at supplies you have at hand. When I take cell phone photo and use it as my artwork for the day, I really did take the photo thinking, "this might be my art for the day." But digital photos are also so immediate that it always feels like cheating to me. Especially camera phones. I don't know why. I wouldn’t say that Girl Talk cheats by making collages of songs, or that Photoshop artists aren't making art.
At any rate, it's sleeping time. Big day at work tomorrow.
30 Days in April: Day 25
I might have already written something about this before, but I'm hoping not.
In the very first week of activities in The Artist's Way, Cameron implores you to take the bad things that you tell yourself about your creativity and turn them into affirmations. It's a simple technique--just writing out, say, "I am a bad writer" if you feel that way and then changing it to "I'm an excellent writer," and so on. This method goes right along with the fact that Cameron sort of frames this process as your "artist's recovery."
Anyway, the weird thing for me was how many of these things came out rather quickly the next time I wrote after reading it. I began bracketing them with <> in my paper journal and then writing the affirming starements right after them.
Now, I've gotta say, a lot of Cameron's recovery language really feels over the top to me, because I feel more like I am cleaning out the cruft than that I am spiritually exorcising demons of self-doubt. But while I think of myself as someone who totally supports people as creators--"Dude, if you're writing, you're a writer, PLUS, you're an artist," that sort of thing-- I'm finding, through this exercise, that, as always, I'm better at supporting others than at taking my own supportive advice.
So I'm working on it. This project has taken up enough of that late night "free time" that I've dropped the daily morning pages and weekly exercises of TAW, to pick them back up in May. But I will keep thinking about (and discovering how much I limit myself, so that hopefully, I'll stop doing it so much.
30 Days in April: Day 24
Today's art brought to you by the letter tired and the number queasy.
I like cameraphone shots also.